Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mommyhood and Fifty Shades

So, what's going on out there?

I haven't a clue because this has been me the past few weeks:

Yes, that's me and Isla and I'm not really proud of this photo because it makes me look like an inattentive mother, but hey...trying to find time to read a book, let alone three books, with a six month old is difficult, so I have to do it when I can.  More specifically, when Isla is calm.  It has worked since I'm nearly through the third book now.

Also, we drove around a bit this weekend too...just for a change.

Went to the Altahullion Wind Farm to see windmills.


Me hangin' with the mills.

Same as above.

Barry and the windmills.

Got caught up in the Irish rush hour while out seeing windmills.

Damned traffic.
Went down to the Poisoned Glen in Donegal.  This is Barry.

Poisoned Glen.

Poisoned Glen.

Bunbeg Harbor.

Church in Poisoned Glen.

Poisoned Glen.

Me in the distance.

Donegal scenery.