Monday, September 17, 2012

Two years and a big zumba thang

Happy two year anniversary to my hubbers, Barry.  Its hard to believe it has been two years since we got married, but here we are...two years later, living in Ireland, with a bambino.  Who ever says the first year is the hardest part of marriage was a liar, personally, I think its the second year, so I personally feel a great deal of achievement on this anniversary, more so than last years.  So, cheers to two years...I'll drink to that (this weekend maybe if we have a babysitter:).

I have no idea what we're discussing here, but it looks serious doesn't it?

I'm still ragin' I didn't get to try the white part of the cake, but the chocolate was nice.  

In other news, this past Saturday was a Zumbathon to benefit Diabetes UK.  Here are some pics.  I would be remiss if I didn't mention this part because I'm proud of the Derry Wans.  Diabetes UK on Saturday had One Great Big Zumbathon.  Basically, in four different parts of the north, there were four different Zumbathons taking in Newry, one in Derry, one in Omagh and one in Belfast.  The Derry ones soooooo kicked butt, because we had a spectacular 62 people come out for that!  Omagh had the next highest number of peeps at kicked butt!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on two years!! Happy many more! A Zumbathon sounds like so much fun!!
