Wednesday, March 30, 2011

So what's the craic?

Eh, all quiet here.  "So, what's the craic? All quiet." That's the typical question and response here in Derry to what American's would say as "What's going on? Not much."

So, anyway.  Nope, not much craic here.  It has been a quiet few days here in Derry.  My Zumba classes are going wonderfully.  Did some spring cleaning in the flat and in the shop so we're all fresh here now, too.  And, I'm slowly getting Barry's old bachelor pad transformed into a newlywed love nest.  Although I think I may have gone a little overboard on the girly stuff, but I don't think Barry minds too much.  At least he hasn't said so.  I've made our living room/kitchen area an earthy neutral tone area with red accents so it is man-friendly...however, the bedroom and bathroom are, less than man- friendly.  They're purple!  Yes, purple...purple bedding, purple curtains, purple rugs, purple flowers, purple storage chests, purple picture frames and purple a shower curtain.  You'da thunk a gay pride parade exploded in these rooms...but, I love them...just like I love a parade!

Oh, and we've also watched the first season of Dexter.  So good!  Can't wait to tackle the rest of the seasons so we'll be all caught up.

So anyway, since it is all quiet here...enjoy some photos:

A photo from Monday night's Zumba class:

And, a photo of Derry I took when it was sunny and warm last week:

And here's a photo of a purple cat I found online.  I do not know who the cat is nor do I know who the woman is holding the purple cat but I like cats and I like there ya go.


  1. Is craic a word by itself over there? I'm loving their lingo! You have so many zumba-ers!

  2. THank you for the help with the Zumba....I have consumed more chips and guacamole this week...I am craving it while listening to all the latin music. My husband says all I need is a Puerto Rican flag hanging in my were right, as I always listen to my fitness music in the car! Then I forget everything when I get out of the car.

    Glad everything is going well!


  3. Do we get to see pictures of the newlywed love nest?! I hope so :)

  4. Moahahahaha, that cat is MAD!!!!!

  5. @true story--yeah would kinda be word on its own here...yep its English I'm told but I'm not used to lol
    @Susi--I know...I guess I would be too tho haha
    @KT--Certainly once its done:)
    @Tales--mmm guacomole...I haven't had good guac since I got here lol
